
Classic Physique

Junior, Open
WNBF UK Men's Classic Physique Golden Era Champion 2024


As a natural bodybuilding federation, the WNBF has not implemented Classic Physique as a less muscular category, as drug-free competitors do not carry mass at the expense of symmetry. Further, the WNBF has not implemented Classic Physique as a category where leanness is explicitly less than in the Bodybuilding category. The WNBF believes natural bodybuilding already exemplifies many aspects of Classic Physique and for that reason, care will be taken to introduce Classic Physique posing requirements and judging criteria without negatively impacting the Bodybuilding category.  WNBF Classic Physique emphasises symmetry and presentation, specifically the artistry of posing.

Athletes shall wear black classic physique posing trunks up to 4.5" on the side.

Bodybuilding trunks are not allowed.


  • Symmetry – Symmetry encompasses the overall balance and harmony of the physique on all sides and in all muscle groups. Athletes will have broad shoulders, pleasing lines, and a small tapered waist. The lower body will identically match the upper body completing a perfect X frame. The lower body will match the upper body completing a perfect X frame. Having an exemplary muscle group in some cases can make a Bodybuilder stand out, however, Classic Physique competitors must have all muscle groups in proportion.
  • Musculature & Presentation – Athletes will be judged on the size, balance, and leanness of their musculature. Much like the Bodybuilding Category, athletes will be judged on the size, separation, and leanness of their musculature. Presentation of the athletes “classic physique” look is a focus for judging.  Smooth quarter turns and graceful classic posing is crucial for success.

The Classic Physique Division will be judged through a series of poses that will allow the judges to evaluate not only individual body parts, but specifically the “whole package.”

Athletes shall wear black classic physique posing trunks with a 3" - 4.5" side.  Bodybuilding trunks are not allowed.

Classic Physique divisions will be split according to height.  Classes will be split as evenly and as competitively as possible based on the number of entries at each event.

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The WNBF UK is affiliated with the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation.
Our mission is to provide athletes with exceptional stages, stringent drug testing and the best athlete experience.
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