A Junior athlete 23 and under on the day of contest.
NOVICE: (Note Novice class is only open at qualifiers NOT final events)
Where a Novice physique is offered - Novice is an athlete who has never placed in the top 3 of a competition in any previous season.
Your status as a novice lasts the duration of a season. Athletes who have won a regional, national title, or competed internationally as Juniors, Masters, or in the bodybuilding division are not eligible to be considered a novice.
This is the open Men’s Physique. Where there are more than 15 entries the physique division may be divided into height classes as follows:
Short: Medium, Tall:
This is the Master's Men’s Physique class. Competitors signing up for this class must be 40+
Judges are looking for a lean, fit, muscular physique that is balanced and aesthetically pleasing. Athletes should be groomed properly, possess a pleasing muscle shape, good v-taper (highlighted by relatively wide shoulders and a small waist) and a well-developed mid-section are prominent in the judges’ criteria. Judges are looking for the level of muscle mass/ extreme leanness that are necessary for success in bodybuilding.
The two rounds judged are:
Round #1 - Fitness & Balance
Round shoulders, wide back, defined abs, split in calves
Looking for a lean, muscular, conditioned physique.
Round #2 - Physical Appearance/ Stage Walk
The overall appearance of the athlete. Stage presentation, short choice, tanning, hair, etc. is encompassed in this round.